Description/Cause# 1 Brinelling. This is caused by excessive loading on the bearing. In this particular case there were brinell marks arrayed equally spaced 360 degrees around the inner ring. Description/Cause# 2 Wide ball path. This is typically caused by excessive interference fits. In this outer ring rotating application the outer ring had a similar but [...]
Description/Cause Bearings appear very dry and a discolored brownish coating inside the bearing. This application was oscillating and powered with a low torque motor so the contamination visible above was enough drag to stop the motion. The bearings were oil lubricated. Solution The bearings had oil lubrication and although oil may work in lower duty [...]
Description/Cause: Brinelling. This is caused by excessive loading on the bearing. In this particular case there were brinell marks arrayed equally spaced 360 degrees around the inner ring and outer ring equally spaced apart. The dents were located on the should (high end) of the raceway indicating that they were caused during a high axial [...]